Waterski & Boat Club
Watersports in East Kent
Guidance for Members
Launching and recovery
All members must be a member of the Thanet Water User Group and follow the local byelaws, a key one being not to exceed 8 knots within 400 metres of the shoreline, unless you are towing in a designated area. You also need to display on your craft your Water User Group No. and our craft permit for the current season.
It is member's responsibility to ensure their craft is serviceable and safe, you must have a working kill cord (that must be attached to the driver at all times), you must also ensure you have life jackets for all crew on board.
At Foreness we can launch and recover at almost all states of the tide, however we advise all members with craft over 15ft, and on bunked trailers not to launch two hours either side of low water, as its very shallow (we typically get at least 4 metres of water between tides, more with springs).
Once launched, all craft MUST proceed 400m offshore doing no more than 8 knots ( 9MPH ) maximum. You are not allowed to exceed this speed in the designated waterski area unless you are pulling a skier with and observer.
The launch vehicles are available 24/7, and can only be driven by members that have been trained signed off to do so. If boats are left on anchor at the higher state of the tide they must be anchored opposite the clubhouse, inside the marker buoys leaving the slipway and high speed waterski area clear.